Pictured (L to R) Lion Chief Jeff Pickup, Lion Al Beamer and PDG Lion Fred Arbour of the Fonthill Lions Club.
Fenwick Ont. Lion Alan Beamer has been a member of the Lions Club of Fenwick since January 1 st, 1980.
He has been a member of our Executive, having served in most of the positions and is currently our
Membership Chairperson.
Lion Al has assisted in most of the Clubs events including the Carnival, Fish Fry and the Bike/Boat/Car
His list of awards includes a Melvin Jones Fellow, Helen Keller Fellow, Judge Brian Stevenson Fellow,
Town of Pelham Peer Award, Harry A. Newman Award, International Presidents Award & Certificate and
Senior Master Key.
Lion Al ran for District Governor in 2008-2009 & was elected. With that position, he was required to look
after certain aspects of the Yearly Friendship Convention for a few years.
Lion Al was the Diabetes Awareness, Research & Camp Huronda Chair for a number of years & one year
spearheaded a drive to raise $75,000 which would be matched by an LCIF grant. The money was
earmarked for a new Recreation Hall.
Lion Al has helped many of our Executive with problems because of his wide range of expertise in Lions
ways of doing things.